As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


Busy day.

I went to the school at 9:00 to work on Rube with My Team. While I was there we cut the wood for our machine and began assembling the structure. I had to leave to tutor at 11:15, which was upsetting. Long and arduous rehearsal for tomorrow's Christmas concert at the church. It was from 12:30-3:30 but it felt so much longer. From there I went to Molloy for a cello lesson, and I feel like I'm improving. From there to South Bellmore to pick up my sister and on to the Bristol in East Meadow to perform with Playback. We sounded pretty good and I had a fun time hanging out with fellow musicians. I got home around 8:45, wrote an APUSH essay, and now it's time for bed.

Word of the Day: Buttress - To give encouragement or support to (a person, plan, etc.)

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