
By hpx

The wisdom of Chester

After a full-on week I returned home exhausted yesterday. The week came on top of several other looming issues/events in my life and I anticipated a deep, long and refreshing sleep last night.

Not so. My bogan neighbours went into over drive and out did their previous party from hell. It was awful and I felt terrified at one point. I'm very grateful for the work of the police last night and today. They have been great.

Today I felt stretched to breaking point on all fronts. My camera has been busy recording the bogan's (and their mate's) touches to the neighbourhood today. Not that I'm going to give their handy work and destruction any space here.

Anyway, back to Chester. Chester is Mrs D's cat (and not fur child). I caught up with the wise Mrs D today and was struck by the wisdom of pets. Not only do they give us unconditional love, they demonstrate living in the present, how to relax and 'letting go' of what you have no control over.

And that is what I'll now do. Relax and let go. Tomorrow is another day.

One more thing... I'm discovering the power of community online. I appreciate the blips and commentary's of others, and support expressed through your comments. Thank you.

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