The Grandchildren`s boy`s house..

Cannot call it a doll`s house. Always been the boy`s house where they have been playing with their toy cars. Youngest son M used to play there with his friends some 20 years ago. Since he¨moved out¨ we have used it to store garden furniture, flowerpots and things during wintertime. Today son M is Josefine`s father. The grandchildren Herman and Mikkel have moved in. The house is furnished with two chairs, a table and a kitchen.  Apart from playing with cars they serve food. I have been served biscuits and juice sitting bent at their table. What was stored there since son M moved out is moved to other places. Some in the little lawn mower shed attached to right side of the house. The lawn mower is stored outside under a cover seen on the back of the house. Think we have to keep it that way for a while. Josefine shall also be offered a place to make food and play with her dolls, when she has become old enough to walk. The boys have to accept that, the sooner the better. They have been playing in the house this winter but will probably use it more often when the snow is gone. Still some time before we see the green grass. Out for me tomorrow morning. Back home late. Comments may have to wait. Wish you a good new day.      

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