Pride comes before a fall

The picture shows the sun loungers mentioned in my earlier Blip.

They are appropriate because the unrealistic expectations behind them are a perfect example of the thought process behind Feckwit Farage and his carnival of stupidity - also known as his Brexit betrayal march.

Leaving aside for a moment the absolutely appalling decision of this despicable little nazi to appropriate something as important and inspiring as the Jarrow march to his small minded cause - did you see it? Did you see the absolute magnificence of his utter humiliation? Truly it was glorious.

I feel the MSM have really let us down here. Normally that man can’t fart without it being televised, but the slow motion collapse of the impression that this man has any relevance whatsoever has been largely ignored.

The Jarrow march had thousands of starving, desperate, courageous people taking back control and forcing a distant elite to take notice of their plight. This clustercatastrohumiliation featured a couple of hundred well fed racists producing a perfect performance art piece on the grotesque stupidity of this whole nasty episode.

Look up Led By Donkeys on Twitter where the unfolding shame is perfectly captured. The mix of emotions evoked as the tiny crowd dwindles day by day - joy, hatred, disgust and yet also a dash of pity deserve a single word that encapsulates them.

I bet the Germans have one.

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