Morning Departure, Virtual Hugs, Love and Whanau

The Boss was up with the sparrows this morning as The Bossess had appointments and needed a driver who understood GPS and didn't turn when she shouldn't have.......
So the early start produced tonights image this morning. A dreamy image of the Interislander  ferry leaving for the south.
There has been a huge out pouring of support for Muslims in our country 
but the large illuminated sign on show besides a major hi way in Wellington, to me, says it all.. The Boss apologises for the quality as it was a pixel driven sign and these cause moire issues with digital cameras but 15 minutes of Lightroom helped. We also now have a number of people  (male, female and teen ) who attempted to spread the hate behind the event on the internet and are now languishing in jail without bail...
Yes... NZ does have effective laws about that. 
The second extra is now displaying in shops everywhere we walked today.
whanau is "Family" in Maori..... (Pronounced "far now")

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