Lions not lambs

I'd not been up Helm Crag for many many à year, probably not since my second Wainwright's round in 2010. I suspect that my brain had consigned it, along with Grasmere, into the Box marked "tourists" 

And that was clearly a mistake, I'd forgotten what a wonderful little summit this is, a place to pause, ponder and truly wonder at some stunning views. 
It also turned out to be a fabulous place to stop and get a rope out to practice some steep ground work, belays, anchor selection and a little bit of abseiling. 

Later, in the evening, we met up with 9 other people, all somewhere on the Mountain Leader journey for some seriously difficult night navigation. I drafted in another International Mountain Leader so that we could break the group up and run it like an assessment for some and training for others. It went very very well. Well, we brought them all back down anyway!

Ps - this is Blips own Fairweathergirl

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