
By scharwenka

Jalapeños Green and Red

Back in November, I showed that, to my surprise and pleasure, one of our home-grown jalapeño peppers had turned bright red. I had really not expected the peppers to mature that far in our climate and this year.

Following advice and comments I received following my publication of that photograph on Blipfoto, we left the rest of the peppers on their plants indoors. Some have, indeed, turned (or begun to turn) red, while others remain green. There are certainly not going to be any new fruits on these plants, so the time has come to harvest and eat what few we now have.

We know that the results of our (mini-)horticultural labours are delicious, and not too fiery hot. Remember, however, that capsicums are members of the the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Maybe more about that, and other members of the family, another time. But, like nightshade berries, these fruits are certainly very pretty.

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