Tuesday: Frank, Sammy and Dean

We left the Grand Canyon National Park relatively early, stopping off in Tusayan for a light breakfast.

The drive back was an hour shorter than the way there, even though we drove the same route and under the same traffic circumstances.....

It was a lovely scenic drive and we were back in Vegas just after lunchtime. We had a chilled afternoon, before heading out this evening to see 'The Rat Pack' - we saw it last time we were here and enjoyed it so much we decided to go again. If anything, we enjoyed it even more.

We're staying in the same hotel as when we first arrived so we have to pinch ourselves to think that we have seen the Grand Canyon in the last couple of days. But see it we did and it was absolutely spectacular. The clue is that it's now firmly in our memory bank. The dried egg yolk on my tshirt from our diner breakfast on the way there is also evidence.

A couple of extras from the drive.

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