
By LynnH

Christmas Cake!

Better late than never I guess

I suddenly felt I needed to make a Christmas Cake this year. It is something I haven't done for maybe the last 10 yrs for various reasons, but this year I've done it my way, put in the ingredients I like (alittle Brandy too) and its cooking nicely.

My maternal grandma would be really frowning on me had she know I bought cakes or didn't even bother the last few years, given that she taught me to bake and I went on to make wedding cakes and birthday cakes etc.

She was the most amazing baker I have known, I think she would have been a "Mary Berry" person had she been alive today. It was through her I gained my love of baking and went on to study at catering college many years ago. (a career long since gone)

I can still visualise my grandad and their black labrador waiting by the side of the oven for the sausage rolls to be cooked, my grandad would take one as she lifted them out, no matter how hot it was and off they would go down to the garden shed to share it. She would always scold him for it, but it was a tradition between them.

In my defence I have taught both my children to bake and cook and will be having baking sessions with my soon to arrive grandchild when he /she is old enough.

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