You and those pussy cat ears
Look at Bean
How gorgeous is she?
You might just see, above her right eye, is a little scar.
She had an incident about 10 days ago. We’re not sure what happened but she was very stunned; and a bit woozy, and a great big gash in her head.
We can’t decide what injured her. It was too big a gash for it to have been a cat - unless it was one of those panther cats or a tiger....maybe it was a fox. Maybe it was a car...
What ever. We kept a close eye on her; she picked up over the first 24 hours and now - a week or so on, she comes over about 730 pm(she is a very precise cat) and gets me to scratch her head....
She’s very clever - she’s been getting me to losen her scab. And tonight. She’s wandering about with square inch of scab hanging off - but a lovely bit of fresh skin underneath.
Not sure that her lovely white stripe will come back in full - but at least now it’s not at right angles to where it was
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