Daunti's world

By daunti


Time ...
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near.” (Mark1:15)

So in the devotion I’m doing today’s lent word is “time”. I would like to share a little about what has been going on at this time and thought this was the perfect time ...
There are two words for time, chronos and kairos. The first referring to chronological time, clock time. The second refers to God’s time, time in the sense of divine destiny, like in today’s scripture which is from Mark 1:15 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near”.

This being said I am facing a time when a new season is going to take place in my life. We are leaving our home in Florida about six weeks earlier than planned because my dad’s health is failing, he is aging and took a worst turn these pass few weeks and needs twenty four hour care at this time. It is very hard on my sisters and brother, and me being away is of no help to them. Let alone missing not being with my dad. It has been a struggle being so far from them so it is time to go home. So yes it chronos and kairos time to head home. Please keep my father and our family in prayer at this difficult time.

A friend and I got together yesterday and did Soul Collage cards and this is mine. The word grief in this card means a hard time. It’s my soul saying I will be my “best self” at this time. It really is ... all I can do with God’s help that is.

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