Jeye's bubble .........
I'm aching ........... Started gardening at 7am, stopped for 20 minutes at lunchtime , packed the tools away 4.15 this afternoon. I have so earned my cider today :)
Front garden tidied, pavement side, border weeded & bare root rugosa roses planted. Dandelions in the lawn, that's lawn in the loosest sense of the word Ha ha! It's green, & currently full of dandelions, which hopefully will disappear soon.
Out the back everything is coming along nicely in the newly planted flower border, a few more bits to fill gaps today. Found the tag to a clematis down below the soil level in a plastic container left behind by the previous tenant. It's 'The Princess of Wales',, which has beautiful bell shaped deep pink flowers from June to September, I was thrilled to have this variety in the garden. Hubby gave the pergola a couple of coats of green wood stain before I tied the clematis in. It's really healthy with lots of new growth.. Another clematis planted in the top border, some self sown foxgloves planted out, & a large clump of Campanula portenschlagiana, a lovely strong blue ground cover plant split & popped into other little gaps. Not many little gaps left.
Got a problem with cats using the front garden as a comfort station, not a fact I'm particularly happy about, so I bought a can of Jeye's fluid, believing it to be a deterrent. Could I undo the safety lid ... NO I could not. Neither could hubby, so he hack sawed it off. Mixed with water I've drenched the whole front border so I've got everything crossed that it works. This image is a bubble that had formed in the can of Jeye's fluid when we eventually got the lid off. 5 snaps then the bubble burst. Did'nt realise there was a theme to today's Abstract Thursday so this was perfect.
3 sacks of weeds & prunings off to the allotment, picked lots of lovely purple sprouting broccoli, tidied up the Rainbow chard. Then headed back. Hubby driving, car coming in the opposite direction, refusing to budge, hubby pulled in tighter to the stone bridge ..... not quite crunch but ouch! Glad it was'nt me. I just kept very quiet, as passengers should.
Right I'm gone before I tap the wrong key again.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting
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