Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Getting Stuck In

Another busy day but on a slower pace .

Usual breakfast in Starbucks with my book. Then back home to start cleaning the flat that seems to have been neglected the past few weeks. Furniture was moved, floors were washed, and the hoover and duster did overtime.
As I looked out the window this little blue tit was having a good old munch.

Phoned Mum to see how she was to find she is in bed, not well at all.

So, next stop Tesco for various people, then to Mum's to drop stuff off, do her dishes and make sure she is ok.

Home to make some truffles for a friend coming for coffee tomorrow night; the last one before Christmas.
On the sofa now with all my candles lit ready for a peaceful night:)

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