Curry Night

We’d agreed that the first Friday that we had the new car, we’d go into Cambridge and have a family curry in the curry house next to D’s new office. D gallantly offered to drive and we had a lovely time. Now that the children are a bit older, we always have some interesting discussions over dinner. Alf took the photo of D and me. The children aren’t keen on having their photo taken.
It’s alway good spending quality time with the them, though . Poppy’s having a hard time at school. She has awful anxiety and had a bad panic attack today. The school have been very good with her and she sees a councillor who helped calm her down today. It’s a huge worry for us all, though but seems to be very common amongst children her age. She talks about all the children she knows who have similar problems; a lot of them are also self harming. I think life was so much easier for us when we were young without the pressures of social media. I don’t think it’s a particularly good time to be a teenager.

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