
By BellasView


I had a very energizing run in Ashdown Forest today teaching my neighbour how to come back when called and I did a great job!

Then I went to a very posh hotel for my sister's birthdays so they could eat cake.  Mummy brought my favourite cardigan to lay on and the waitress brought me my own water bowl and a huge dog biscuit!! I was very spoilt.

Mummy sussed out when I needed a poo and once I had finished barking and growling at the metal sheep on the lawn I did my business  with mummy running round after me on the lead while I found the perfect spot.... nose to the ground, round and round, back and forth.

Oh how silly mummy looked and probably the whole hotel was laughing as they looked at their CCTV!!!!

And silly mummy forgot poo bags. BIG mistake mummy!!! Babywipes and a food pot did the trick!!!

When we left, I cried and cried for my sister Sophie. I seem to have become quite attached to her!!

And today daddy gave me his old socks..quite a breakthrough I think!!!

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