Fried Sun

This was shot from outside.  The extra was shot from inside.
I had a bit of a problem choosing between the two.

A lovely day at home!

In the afternoon, AW's friend-of-all-seasons H (who had the stroke last year) came around to 'help' AW lay down the planks for the floor in the blockhut.  Actually, all H had to do was help AW check if the planks were straight, that AW didn't lose any of his fingers with the electric saw (bought for 30 euros at a recycling centre last week), and maybe hold a plank or two for a moment -- he did just great.  They also had coffee and sausage rolls, and some red wine later.  H looks and feels 10 years older, thanks to the stroke, poor man, but he has never been the self-pitying type, which we really find admirable.  Actually, AW is like that, too.  I'm the only one to see the broken parts.

Some MOOCking, some television (really, not much to see despite a spectrum of channels, although I did watch two episodes of Elementary for the first time, and one of the new NCIS - LA episodes; I miss Death in Paradise as it's finished for now).  The house is neat, all chores updated.  A brief chat with the Countess capped the evening.

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