Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Power to the little people

The great thing about being part of the metropolitan liberal elite is that your children will have strong opinions on Brexit too.

As I attempted to leave Green Park Underground today squashed between a family with five ankle biters under the age of 6, plus a double pushchair hammering against my boots, I thought 'this will not go well'.

In fact it did.

I took this photograph on the half hour journey from Green Park exit onto Piccadilly. It was rammed, but pretty good natured. 

'Determined' would be a better term.

Soon I decided to leg it over St James's Park to get over to Whitehall as it was nearly impossible to take pictures. I arrived at 2pm just as Mariella Frostrop announced we has 1 million people on the march. I estimate double that by the end of the day.

Unlike the 'Leave Campaign' I had an exit strategy and walked to Vauxhall where I caught the 452 bus home. A good move as it turned out all the buses in Zone 1 had been cancelled due to the volume of protestors. 

Theresa May, take note!

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