What a day

Have you ever organised a day which looks nearly impossible? Well we did.
A hospital appointment in Wakefield for Mr EAnn in the morning (all is well) and a dental appointment for both of us in Garforth at 2. So we stopped off at the garden centre cafe for lunch. Lovely fritillaries.
So far so good but we have to get home, pack some stuff and get it in the car and hot foot it to the station to get to Manchester.
The trains are all delayed. We get to Huddersfield, wait for a late connection to Oxford Road. Points trouble mean we are routed to Piccadilly missing out Oxford Road. Hike it over to the Royal Northern College of Music. In time! But friends are late. Eventually have an excellent meal at the Brosdsky restaurant and slide into the Tommy Emmanuel concert with a few minutes to spare.
Wonderful concert.
Terrible traffic as friend Bob gives us a lift home. Arrive about midnight. A mad half hour putting the rest of the pre holiday organising in place. Bed about half past with an early alarm set. Phew!

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