Superstars of Gymnastics

After a late night last night at the Hydro in Glasgow it was up and away early to catch the red eye to London City.

We picked L up around 5:45am from G&G’s and headed into Edinburgh Airport.

From London City we jumped on the tube to the O2 as we had tickets to see the Superstars of Gymnastics show. This was being transmitted live on Sky Sports.

As well as a host of top gymnasts we also saw Simone Biles and Max Whitlock preform floor and pommel respectively and they were also judges.

Got the tube back to Victoria(with a quick walk to Buckingham Palace and got caught up in the ashes of the Brexit march where 1 million people were protesting) then the Gatwick Express back to catch the 7:45pm flight home.

I’m gonna need a beer or two when I get home.

L loved her surprise day out in the capital. She knew nothing about it beforehand.

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