Pink Saturday

Some housework ... some gaming ... some music ... finalized some marks ... some MOOCking ... and I have shot this tulip about 25 times now over this past week, including four shots today, and a shot of something else replaces it as the post of the day, so finally it is today's post, which is maybe a good thing as it wasn't looking so good a few days back.

Short chat with the Countess about where we'll be staying.  Google Street View has shown me her house (it's an 'OMG' type of house but she says it's actually smaller than it looks), and Airbnb has shown me some options, but she says she will check out a place for us.  Not sure what she means by that, but we've agreed to talk a bit tomorrow evening.

I hope you're all having a fab weekend.  THANK YOU for all the visits, stars, and comments.  I'm feeling rather tired right now and will turn in earlier than usual.

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