Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I officially don't love my new neighbours

OH MY GOD OHHHHHH FOR THE LOVE OF PETE... I am ill .. ill..ill and god dammit it was me who shrieked 'lets do shots' those immortal words that have tainted my day with a near death experience ..
Did a huge dog walk with Tits McGee and it made me feel worse not better so I hate her too ...
Last night when we were at THE neighbours Mr W had to leave at 8.15 to go collect Eve from a party a good 40 minutes drive away .. When he got back with Eve I was a disgusting drunk ... That will teach him .
What I would like to say that clearly I could not last night was THE new neighbours are fabulous and I had never met any of their friends before and they were all lovely especially Heidi .. Who is not really called Heidi but bollocks to that .. She is married to naughty Ben ..
Also lastly there were 13 children there last night and all of them included my Lucy , she felt very very happy amongst them which proves what good little eggs they all are !!
I am going to lie down again now and watch sports thingy of the year .. I want Bradley Wiggings to win.

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