
By HannahA

A great day!

I have had a brilliant day today!
I sense a big write up coming along!
I went to Waltham Abbey (Essex) with Mum, to go and visit my Grandad, and Auntie Rita,. I had a great day. We went over there had lunch then I opened my belated birthday presents form my Aunt, we then went for a nice long walk with the dog, and we went into the White Water Rafting centre where some of the olympics was held, this is where I got this shot, quite proud of (if I do say so my self!). We then came back, and then me and Mum and Grandad went to his house so that we could go and get some of Mum's GSCE/A-Level art work. We then came out with a coffee maker, that Grandad didn't want, a old watch of Mum's which I love, some of Mum's 18th Birthday cake decorations, and some beautiful necklaces that belonged to my Nanny. We then came went back to Rita's and went and packed the car, and the day just flew by, and we were back at home at about 7:00.

Hope you have all had a good day!

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