
3years 56days

Today's been a good day. A steady one but a good one. We've achieved quite a bit round the house, which Katie got really stuck into helping with. Mid morning the lovely Vic and jaden popped round to play for a while. Katie and jaden did colouring and lots of hide and seek.

We then headed to the supermarket and Katie promptly fell asleep. She stayed asleep quite a long time too- until my sister turned up for our festive gathering in fact. Katie had a blast playing hide and seek again, very loudly, and I got to sit and chat with my sister and b-in-law a while.

After they left, we snuggled watching Christmas cartoons together- she's a bit obsessed with postman pat at the moment. Which makes me smile because when I was three, I too loved postman pat.

Thoughts today to my beautiful godson who's christening it was. I was there in thought, even if I couldn't be there in person xxxx

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