Heavy Metal! (MM270)

We collected our new (to us) car today.  Lots of gizmos to understand but the basics are as pretty much any other modern vehicle.   As we sometimes use a carrier for our bicycles we asked for a towbar to be fitted, my blip is the detachable section of the set-up.

German engineering at it's finest - I think this might be up to towing a Tiger Tank so two light bikes should not be a problem.

A good job I don't ever object to a little heavy metal* :-)

Focus stacked in Helicon Focus and then mono converted in Silver Efex Pro2.

Thanks to everyone for visiting my journal over the past few days when I have not been able to return the complement very effectively.

* For those of us old enough to remember the days when music was less manufactured and more visceral: I managed to find Planet Rock on the radio, and the first song they played was ... Bohemian Rhapsody :-)

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