How do You like Your Eggs In the Morning?

I like mine in CAKE. 

Busy day at work today, and I was going to work late, but then I remembered that it was car service day tomorrow, and we haven't cleaned the car since we got it;  we had promised to tidy it up when I got home. 

I flew home, i took all the rubbish out, and got the spray to clean the inside - himself threw the mats out and cleaned them, and vacuumed the inside. 

It actually looks really presentable now :-) 

Then we sat down - the footie was on - so himself was glued.  I decided to make a cake. 

I have a wee BeRo Book  - it's almost the same as a wee Maroon coloured one I remember from when I was 8 or 9 making cakes for Brownies.    I used it for a Madeira Cake recipe.   The recipe said bake for 1 hour 20 minutes  - I took it out after 40 minutes and it was fine and dandy. 

So there you have it - oh and in between it all - i entered 55 competitions on line. 

And Engerland Won  1-5  yaY!

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