
By Roseyrose

Lemon drizzle cake with hazelnuts in. It's supposed to be a loaf cake but alas I have no loaf tin so round it is! It's also supposed to be walnuts but hazelnuts were in the cupboard! It's very light and moist and springy! It's a BBC recipe and always comes out well.

I mixed it the way my mum and aunty were saying my granny does it, mix around then cut the through the middle with the spoon.

Mum/Nicky - Do you know why that works? I tried googling but got a load of links about sawing cakes in half!

Another lazy day, just laundry, baking and watched the lion the witch and the wardrobe this evening.
Also I FINALLY finished reading the Hobbit! I have started in numerous times over the years but for some reason never got past the first few pages. I enjoyed it and have started on lord of the rings now. It's all three books in one and it absolutely huge with tiny weeny print, lucky my eyes are good and I have a lot of spare time at the moment!

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