Gable Erratic

By MsGable


A trip over to Airedale hospital with Hellonwheels this morning. I haven’t got up that early for a long time and was so tardy that I joined her in sympathy by missing breakfast. I collected HOW, and after removing her neighbour’s cat from the dashboard we set off.

It was, what sadly seems to have become, the usual farce at the hospital but we, again as usual, joked and jollied our way through it.

Back at HOW’s we were met again by the cat and after forcibly removing him from the car again, we went in for a most welcome cup of coffee and a breakfast Kit-Kat.

I borrowed an abandoned looking hospital walking stick at the hospital and as the nurse was sympathetic about my hobble, I hoped she’d let me keep it. But no. So I am now going to put my leg up and knit for the rest of the afternoon.

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