Pool with a view

I woke feeling a bit ashamed of myself after being a drama queen about yesterday’s walk, so, determined to get myself sorted out, I went off to the gym. After 45 minutes on X trainer, rower and bike I noticed there was nobody in the pool so seized my chance, as the wound from the leg iron bolts has finally healed. It was hard as it’s been so long, but I’ll go further next time.

I phoned RVI again about the long outstanding cataract operation and explained I was referred over a year ago. She said I’d been down for it on 15 April but I’d cancelled it. Oh no I hadn’t. I hadn’t even heard from them. So after much huffing and puffing and consultings she phoned to say I can definitely go at 8 am and was I accepting the appointment. You bet. Now I just need som Valium - the previous op on the other eye took 40 minutes which wasn’t nice.

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