Another sunny day
A busy day for us, and Mr T has done very well as he came with me, but it was hard for him.
I had physio and then was supposed to be having the injection into my hip. The radiologist had checked my MRI scan results and spotted something that seemingly hadn't been picked up by the other radiologist. The first one didn't spot the snapping hip, the second one did, and then the third one today spotted that there is an area on my hip socket where the cartilage is missing and thinks it is the very early stage of arthritis. That makes sense as both hips snap but only my right hip hurts, and the consultant did mention arthritis when I first saw him. I have an appointment with the consultant on Thursday, so hopefully more answers then. Anyway I didn't have the injection as there were too many risks as it goes so close to the femoral nerve and can paralyse the leg and I might not get any benefit.
It was lovely and sunny and the blossom is looking very pretty.
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