the boo... showing attitude

which is a very good sign

it means that finally after suffering - the great flooding trauma - having to live with me in a hotel - for weeks then moving again - into a strange home - feeling unsettled and insecure - she is beginning to get back to her old self - this after 3 months of adjustment

one always wonders what's going - on in an animals head - how they process events - traumatic situations in their lives - it's been interesting to live with - the boo, to see her struggle through - dealing with sudden sounds like i have - reorient herself to her surroundings - to know it's okay to live freely - in our house versus hiding - under the bedcovers all day

it's been encouraging to cheer her - on with little steps, being comfortable - again to be by my side on the sofa - and stay there regardless - of strange sounds outside whereas - weeks ago she'd be running for cover - to see attitude on her little face again - gives me great joy and makes it...


happy day.....

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