This blip is the only colour that we have had all day, it has been grey and windy. What a busy day I have had. I left the house early to see if I could get something colourful in the woods for the challenge, but as I reached there one of my sons rang to say he was working nearby and would call in, so I had to hurry back. Then when he was leaving I asked him to give me a lift into the village and I would get the bus back. Well, after I bought heavy things, like milk, bananas etc. I went to get the bus, to discover that I had lost my free bus pass, so I then had to walk home. After my meal I decided as I still had no blip I would head out to see if I could get some colour as the sun set. I managed to get my blip, so not sure if it will do for the challenge but at least I got something. Many thanks to BobsBlips for hosting this challenge.

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