Langdale Pikes

Still making the most of the peace opposite I washed the window out front and then bravely went to Hayes to get some compost. I managed under 10 minutes before terminal depression sunk its teeth and sucked me in. I clawed my way out and headed up Langdale. I was going to have a wander and find cake but listening to the news on my way there must have got the better of me and I found myself inexorably compelled towards Hell Gill (extra). The rock underfoot got progressively redder as I approached. Bowfell was tantalisingly close but I knew I’d been far enough so I started the long descent by The Band and called in to the Walker’s Bar with a lovely fire going in the range before the last limp back to the car. I didn’t see a soul on the whole walk or on any of the ridges...bit of a contrast to Hayes. The dog at Stool End Farm must be the friendliest farm dog in the whole world...adorable!

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