
By wonderlust

I need to a few things off my chest about this disgusting and heart wrenching event. I'm not looking to stir up controversy, just need to say a few things.

First and foremost, my heart goes out to those affected by this terrible tragedy. I can't even imagine looking at the Christmas tree knowing that there are presents that will never be opened. It's just incomprehensible the pain these families are in.

Gun control. Inevitably it is spoken about and debated. It irritates me when I hear people me room that gun violence could have been avoided if guns laws were more lenient. I would never send my children to a school that allowed guns on its premise, never. Enough of the gun debate with this incidence.

God. I'm not religious and I don't mind other people practicing their religion. Do not spew garbage about things like this happening because God is not allowed in public schools and government. God did not allow this happen because religion is not practiced in our public schools. He did not turn his cheek because our system turned its cheek on him. I refuse to believe that anyone's God would simply allow something this to happen to set an example. Enough.

Let's honor the victims instead of using it as a platform to push religious and political beliefs.

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