Round the Corner

The last few times we were in Weilheim the blue block was being built and there was a huge crane looming over it. Now the new flats are being fitted out and there's a crane looming even closer to us over a house that's being renovated. Thankfully this one's a lot quieter! The new shopfront is already occupied and unsurprisingly it houses a doctor's practice; the odds were on either that, a dentist or some other health boom practitioner.
I'd intended going for a bike ride this morning but discovered both tyres were flat. Strange since they seemed OK when I checked the other day. Anyway, now I can confirm that not only am I a rotten cyclist and a terrible bike repairer but I'm probably Weilheim's worst tyre pumper-upper. I went for a walk instead and bought a new pump!
Had a couple of pints and lots of music chat with Wiggerl tonight. He's a walking music encyclopaedia. I'm not!

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