Good Grief

A man at work!
Admittedly he was the only one and he wasn't exactly breaking a sweat - but at least he was working.
More than could be said about the distinct lack of men at all on the A71 this afternoon where there was a massive tailback caused by traffic lights that seemed to have been put up to allow the small (think Dinky toy for the kids) digger to be parked on the main road - round the corner from  the building site  and just off the roundabout. It certainly wouldn't have the power to break the tarmac road surface so what the fu heck it was there for (other then causing traffic congestion) I have no idea.
By the time I got to The Larder, I was certainly in need of my coffee & cake.

However, back to the morning walk ……. I would appear that one of the mountain-bikers has taken the council stopping them from using the embankment as  a track to heart and has dumped his bike.
I went to take a shot of one of the lines of tree stumps left after the recent felling operation and PD felt that he should be the subject and proceeded to show off.
I managed to beat him by taking a shot looking the other way when I got up to where he was mucking about.

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