Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Goldfinches on the Bird Feeder

A very sunny morning, it is very hot inside the house, so the windows are opened. Went outside to pay the newspapers, and boy the wind was cold. What a difference.

The bird feeder is very busy, and with the sun a bit higher in the sky, the photos are very clear. A pair of Goldfinches, Ms and Mr let to right, enjoythe sunflower seeds, and drop the others on the ground for the blackbirds, sparrows and wood pigeons.

After the washing and grocery delivery, I do a bit of bike maintenance. The road bike has quite a bit of salt on from last weekend, a remnant of the mini winter last Saturday, so a bit of frame cleaning is also required.

In the afternoon, it's down to Cameron Toll to meet my partner for afternoon coffee.

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