Happy Daze

By Dazed

Take me home! Take me home!

Saw these lovely wee dudes in Aquacadbra on Lower London Road today when we stopped by to pick up some crickets and grasshoppers for the insectivorous members of the household.

Mr D and I have never owned a Bearded Dragon though we had one for a while when his owner of eight years knew he was dying but couldn't bear to see him to the end. We took him in and he used to sit next to me on the sofa and watch telly. We called him Flat Eric because he was as flat as a pancake around his belly.

Bittersweet day today as I had lunch with four of my very best friends but two of them are moving to down England next weekend. I will miss you loads Mr and Mrs TSN.

Backblipped yesterday's tortoise antics here.

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