Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Fiona Friday

We went back to the UW Urban Horticulture Center after school today to walk around the swamp area….on a boardwalk.  This is where pioneer Henry Yesler had his second  saw mill after the original Elliott Bay Mill burned down in 1887.    This one burned down in 1895.  
I wish I could stand on one foot as long as Fiona can.  We checked then for the turtles but only 1 “black sheep turtle” was on the log today…not enough sun I guess.
Then home to more little crafty things, painted rocks, and some reading..and general hanging out.  She has gotten to be a very good reader!   Pizza and ice cream and strawberries (again? She likes it and it’s easy. !)  with much effort on her part, non stop, teaching and testing us with sign language.  Her sister is taking signing as her language at school so the 2 of them carry on conversations…we are hopeless  (altho I got a few words……with much help)

Extra at their house…

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