~Red Wing Black Bird~

Layla spent the night. We go up early and went to watch Lexi play for her violin and drum recital. She did a really nice job. 
Next I went to my friend Jeffs for a visit, He had some trouble so I helped him with some plants, He can't hear, has Diabetes and can hardly feel his feet. He is my age so I know how hard it is on him that he can't do things like he could before,
Carol and I went to Schudders Pond today in hopes of seeing some rare bird that was spotted there.
Carol and I saw a man fall and roll into the bushed, We ran to him. Gave him so time figure things out. We slowly got him up. He was coved in bloood from head to toe.His face got the worse of it. I wanted to drive him home he refused. Call the aid car...He refused, I said I would follow him home to make sure he got home safe but Carol and I got stuck behind a city bus and we lost the guy. I just hope he was able to get cleaned up and not fall anymore,
After that I got all 4 girls.. I choreographed dances for them and they danced them to some of the oldie, Turned out cute,
My brother Boyd and nephew Barrett are here spending the weekend. Tonight I have 7 for a sleep over. We’re going to be tired tomorrow.

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