Puff Ball

I couldn’t believe my luck this afternoon. I was blipless when this magnificent little Red Breasted Robin posed for me on the wrought iron chair right outside the kitchen window. On this occasion I had the trusty RX10 at the ready. I think he had his puffer jacket on because of the wind!

We had just come home after a very productive shopping spree. Nothing too exciting but lots of good healthy food and some kindling! The highlight of the day for me was when I answered the phone only to find our Kiwi Blip Buddy rainie on the phone. I was so happy to be able to chat to her and share our sadness about the recent events in NZ. Rainie and Doug have been on our minds a lot lately. What I didn’t realise was that Rainie was about to post her 9th birthday blip. I’m sure all of my blip buddies follow rainie but just in case her birthday has slipped under your radar I urge you to head over to her journal and help her blow out one of her nine candles. If ever you’re in need of inspiration, rainie’s journal is a great place to start.

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