
By jjdphoto


This has been a week of celebration as my daughter has chosen her college for her undergrad studies. It’s been months of applications, visits and long family discussions. We are so excited for her next chapter in life!
This is my daughter Sasha. Her name means “helper of mankind”. Sasha is a beautiful person inside and out. If you know her, you know she is a joy to be with, she is a constant learner, loves to share her knowledge with others and have deep, meaningful conversations. She is a leader, not afraid to take charge but does so with compassion and grace. She is kind, hardworking, loves the Lord and has a passion for helping others. I am so proud of the woman she is becoming. She has “grit” and that will take her far but it is her love for others that blesses her life and everyone she meets. Exciting times to see where it all leads.

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