Ho chuffin' ho.

Every year I think I like Christmas. Every year I think I'll be more organised. Every year I think I'll create the perfect Christmas.

This year I am more organised. Holiday in Cornwall, going on Friday. Christmas dinner booked in the pub. Presents more or less sorted. Cards gone. I only need to sort out the house, pack cases and that's it done.

Every year it's doomed. The spirit of Christmas gone.

It's happened today.
I'm so bloody fed up its untrue.

And to top it all off. While I'm ranting ... I'm a teaching assistant, not a nurse, and not immune to every bug that parents think its ok to send their offspring to school with. I know it's Christmas next week, I know we're all busy, and its handy to just send the poor little mites. But, for gods sake, can't they just keep their ill children at home? And not dose them up to the eyeballs with calpol and send 'em anyway?!!! Then kick off when we ring for them to take them home.

Rant over.
As you were.

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