Moving the fridge

Big nephew moved house yesterday and today.  Luckily he and his brother only had to wheel the fridge/freezer down the road.  We have spent a lot of the day helping out.  Dad watched the activity so I think he enjoyed that.  I've put away a lot of things which will no doubt get moved eventually. Brother is the TYM who is struggling to find his feet on the outside - desperately needs a job.  We took Dad to look at Mobility Scooters this morning and he has found one he likes - a second hand medium sized one which will be brought to his house on Monday for him to try properly before he buys it.  He started off by saying that he wanted one he could put in the boot of his car - yes, that's right, the car he stopped driving a few weeks ago...  Sorted that one out.  The man in the shop (market stall actually) was very good...  Dad said this morning that he is missing mom and he would really like her to come home...  Another little issue to deal with there then...  

Our return from holiday has been relatively painless so far although i don't like the look of the ironing pile and my skin is removing itself in shovel loads after too much sun last week.  My new book on how to master the new camera has arrived - a weighty tome indeed.  Hope it's easier to read than the manual...

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