
By Veronica49

Mother Jarlath...

It is early days as you can see but I thought I would try as I miss her so much the house is empty without her. Mother was born in Cork, Ireland nearly 100 years ago! Although she was 99 she was all there and more she loved chatting and so many people loved to speak with her. She received her education in Cork and later was sent to the Dominican College for girls in Dublin as a boarder after which she attended the University oF Cork where she graduated in medicine it was while she was at university she used to have to walk past the Poor Clare monastery and at exam time she would visit and ask them to pray for herself and her younger sister who was also doing medicine and a year after she qualified she asked to enter the Poor Clare’s where she made her final vows in August 1949 (the year I was born) and three years later she was asked to come to Scotland to make a new foundation in Blantyre in 1952 were they spent twenty years then in 1973 we moved to Bothwell where we had to build our Monastery. She served as Novice Mistress and then was made Abbess.
I just thought you might be interested. I was 17 when I entered so I have been with her the longest she was a real Mother to me I was lucky to have two Mammies!
She was always using this quote “I have tasted the kindness of the Lord (1 Peter2:3)

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