Lakeland Dipper

Spot the difference between the bit covered by wetsuit and the bit that wasn't!

I kicked off by polishing my winged helmet and then flew into action starting preparations for an epic day beginning with making leek and potato soup with wild garlic aioli, with a Nordic bread to be washed down with Blonde Witch beer. Then, my friend arrived and us Valkyries flew to Ullswater for our first swim of the year. There was an awful lot of screaming and swearing. We did a collection of rubbish, old disposable barbeques etc, from the beach and headed numbly home to warm up by the fire and have our Valkyrie lunch before heading off to watch the Metropolitan's most amazing live broadcast performance of Die Walkure. Absolutely, wonderful ... and exhausting.
Luckily we’d done our homework beforehand...
We went in in daylight and staggered out in the dark not quite sure of time or place ... magnificently epic!

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