
Hepaticas are here!

Sleeping late and realized that after turning ourselves into summer zone, I did sleep very late... But no worries, it is soon summer!

Big news is that parents-in-law have found a buyer for their house in the gountryside. It is good news, as they are too old for living there without constant help. Luckily they had help with all the snow ploughing from the friendly neighbor. And big relief is that we do not have to help in gardening anymore, no cutting lawn either and there is no field jobs growing our own veggies or potatoes.

We have our own nice garden to look after. And to have our own small salad-, kale-, chard- and zucchini-land I visited in garden shop today and bought few box -like stands for farming vegetables - and not needing to crawl anymore.

Now we only have to move them into the new flat...

Anyway a big relief (as hepaticas are too, every spring)!


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