Where's ya bin?

I mean where's ya wheelie bin!

Down the bank of the Black Lynn, in this case. A completely full wheelie bin, picked up and thrown over the fence and down the bank - it must have taken at least two strong guys to lift it! Why! I have no idea. Probably because they could. If the binmen had fixed it to its post it would be impossible, but I suppose that's too much like hard work! The entire disgusting contents was spread all over the place.

I arrived at the meeting place at 2pm today, ready to carry on with a more difficult and even more littered part of the river, but nobody came. I'm glad that I'd spoken to my neighbour John earlier and persuaded him to lend a hand, so he turned up half an hour later. Without him I'd have been unable to restore the bin, but we did little else apart from that. 

A successful weekend all round, I think, but a great deal more that could be done if more people had turned out. Can't complain so, so thank you to all those who helped to make Oban a little smarter!

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