
Beautiful Spring day. Out for a walk with the mutt around the wonderful Kinneil Estate. The abandoned building was a workshop built for James Watt in 1768 in order that Watt could design and build improvements to the Newcomen steam engines in secret before patenting it. (He came up with a separate condensation chamber so the large piston didn't loose energy through cooling).

New 'art' has appeared since I was last there. Murdo expressed his opinion of it – let's just say they will now rust a little quicker.

Loads of the estate is over run with wild garlic at the moment, by 'eck the place was honking, my eyes were fair watering.

Grand day out. Nice to be out in sunshine and dare I say a bit of warmth. Minus 5 degrees is forecast, but that's on the internet, so it is likely utter nonsense.

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