
By SkiMe

Spring Has Sprung

Preparing for April Fools'... a bit of exploring with the kids and Mrs C this afternoon after a good morning skiing.

All the fruit trees are in bloom and the bees are very busy.  There are a group of beehives along our walk and I usually stop to take a picture or two.  This time I ventured too close and got attacked.  First time for everything, I suppose.  Mrs C was walking with our neighbor who was also out for a walk and the kids were off down the path chasing the neighbor's dog.  I came screaming down the path at full trot with I don't know how many bees following.  Mrs C said it was kind of comical.  The kids at first turned towards me and then turned and ran as fast as they could away from me.  lol   

Only one sting on my forehead.  So I guess not to bad all in all.  I was surprised they attacked me and how fast they came after me.  I've stopped by the beehives many times before.  I guess all the fresh nectar has them in a frenzy!!!

The joke was on me.

Beautiful afternoon in any case.  Gran Paradiso in the background of this picture.

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