A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Going Topless

It has been 9½ weeks since my roof decided it wasn't going to open or close any more. Ever since, I have been accompanied by an irritating boing noise every time I exceed 35 kph.

I was informed it required a new roof controller, which I managed to get from the UK at a price, but that was not enough. Further tinkering was needed by Opel themselves.

So this afternoon, I spent 2½ hours at Opel Marbella while they mended two broken wires. That is all it was. No broken controller, or anything more involved than finding two broken wires and fixing them.

Thank you very much. 160 euros of thank you very much. But at least the roof now works again.

And all this followed a lengthy and slightly worrying time at the hospital for what was supposed to be a routine appointment.

How worrying, I shall have to wait and see.

All in all, not a great day.

But at least I can go topless again.

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